Working Kapital Life

A wise banker once told me “Only companies with capital deserve to grow.” Now, I understand that this could be met with debate, but hear me out. I do believe the underlying message here is that when a company has strong controls in place to grow their capital stack and has an opportunity to grow their top and bottom lines, they should use their capital in strategic ways to grow and not based solely on opportunities that present themselves.

With recessionary fears looming, here’s how SMBs can prepare for what’s ahead

Considering the current economic climate, the rate of inflation and a potential recession looming, preparing workable solutions to implement ahead of financially stringent times is imperative for small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) who don’t have the resources and financial stability of larger organizations. Because of these limitations, traditional financing options from bank loans to lines of credit aren’t always accessible or sufficient.

Cash flow can make or break a small to mid-sized business. Alternative funding sources can help

Small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) make up 99.9% of enterprises in the U.S., according to a report by ForwardAI, and the majority (a reported 60%) of those businesses fail due to poorly managed cash flow. It’s a challenge businesses face on a global scale, and providing SMB owners with more sustainable funding solutions begins with educating partners and local businesses on effective cash flow management and available alternatives.

Invoice Funding Fills Critical Gaps in Cash Flow for Telecom

FIber Optic Drilling

A startup company needs more than just a great idea and a market of customers willing to pay for the products or services. The cold hard truth is it needs cash. Without collateral, bank loans are hard to come by. Initially, what can keep the doors open and the equipment humming is selling invoices that have been sent to their customers, known as factoring or invoice funding.

Factoring Is No Longer a Fringe Idea: Now an Impactful Solution for Fast-Growing Businesses

In the past, the term “factoring” has been associated with a negative connotation, a taboo word in the business funding world. The misconception developed from the idea that factoring is only leveraged when a business is in desperate need of cash or in a poor financial state – but that’s not always true. In fact, factoring is an impactful solution for companies to rely on to support a period of rapid growth.

Alternative Funding Provides the Engine that Keeps Wireless Running

“The demand for subcontractors and general contractors from the crush of 5G build projects snowballs into the need for cash flow or capital to continue to run these businesses,” John Minnis, Kompass Funding Director of Operations said. A critical resource helping companies to make payroll and cover operational expenses during this time is alternative funding, a solution offered by Kompass. This engine keeps companies moving forward at full speed.

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