Kompass Funding helps to strengthen startup companies by increasing their working capital.

The Situation: A startup company specializing in 5G underground boring, a method of installing underground utilities including pipes, conduits, or cables, was winning numerous new projects and were in high demand; however, they struggled to come up with the capital to purchase new equipment and hire additional employees, two necessary components in order to continue to scale their business. As a startup that opened its doors in early 2022, the company did not attempt to seek out traditional funding such as a bank loan.

The Challenge: As the build-out of 5G implementation continues, recent research indicates that carrier-generated cash flow problems might be 5G’s most significant obstacle to overcome. “One-third of 225 vetted wireless contractors that have taken a confidential survey to date said that they could only handle $150,000 in receivables before they were in a cash flow vise,” according to an article in Wireless Estimator. Companies are often forced to float cash from project to project due to long payment and approval processes by larger wireless companies. This is a challenge for many small businesses, especially with climbing costs and an increased number of new projects.

The Solution: The startup was referred to Kompass Funding by a colleague who inquired about our Kompass 24 program. Through Kompass 24, we were able to convert outstanding invoices to immediate funds and working capital. Since the partnership began, Kompass Funding has funded nearly $2 million over the last 4 months; access to new capital has allowed them to take on more projects, purchase new equipment, and feel confident when it comes to their payroll.

“The business relationship we are building is great for both parties involved,” the company’s CEO shared. “I truly appreciate the time and effort Ben has put in to help us out. They also have great response times – if I have a question or concern, both Ben and Will respond immediately to help resolve things or find answers for me.”

Is your company struggling with cash flow and available capital? If so, our Kompass Accelerate program could be the solution you’re looking for. Contact us to learn more about our Kompass 24 program.


How business owners can manage their quarterly tax estimates with alternative lending solutions

One pain point for many business owners is quarterly tax estimate payments – this includes sole proprietors, partners in partnerships, members of LLCs, and shareholders of S-corps. Because of the requirement to pay your quarterly estimates by April 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and January 15th (for the fourth quarter), many entrepreneurs find the complexities of taxes overwhelming. The good news is that there are proactive steps you can take to ease the burden, and one effective strategy is to utilize alternative lending solutions so that you have the necessary funds to meet your tax obligations without disrupting your cash flow.

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How to leverage your current portfolio to grow your financial flexibility

Individuals and businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to leverage their assets for growth and financial flexibility, and a powerful tool that can be used in gaining status is Securities-Based Lending (SBL). This financial strategy allows borrowers to use their investment portfolios as collateral for loans, providing a range of benefits that extend beyond traditional lending methods.

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Get the funding you need, when you need it.

Give us a call to discuss your business funding objectives, so our advisors can show you examples of similar businesses leveraging cash-flow solutions to scale their business quickly. 

You can customize and manage how you want to factor with Kompass Funding, so you get the funding you need, when you need it. Our clients can even avoid waiting 30 to 60 days for your customers to pay invoices, we pay you the amount of the invoice within 24 hours and assume the risk of collection.

Now you can focus on growing your business. 

Let's talk.
Call us at 913-728-0530

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